Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lady Macbeth: Scheming to Insanity

Here are the recordings by Abby and me. We chose to do different monologues by Lady Macbeth, and there is some slight narration to direct where these monologues fit in.
You may have to turn up the sound a bit on the monologues, my camera did not record sound nearly as well as it has before.
Enjoy our video!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Scotland, PA

So, when I was kind of rambling about the various movies that can update Shakespeare, I mentioned this particular version of Macbeth. The title should be a link to the IMDB page about the film.
While I haven't seen the movie, my aunt recommended it, and since she heads a college theater department, I take her word on it.

Happy pondering,

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tragic Heroines

Mary again:
I sort of realized that my assessment of Shakespeare's male characters was a touch harsh. This does not mean I condone their behavior, since anyone with common sense would have acted differently than those mo-rons, but in the name of fairness, I'll post a short list of flaws found in tragic heroines:
  • They love the idiots in the plays.

Ok, that's not all, but I really do question these women's enchantment with the goons that run their worlds. Here's a list that is more in seriousness:

  • Juliet: Doesn't realize that forever loving someone at thirteen means more like five months. She made some pretty unthinking moves on her own.
  • Cordelia: still loves her father, though he treats her like crap.
  • Ophelia: same story with all the men in her life, but doesn't lash out at her brother when he tells her to watch herself while heading out to go whoring in Paris. Her father is a jerk as well.
  • Lady Macbeth: trusted her husband to get the job done.
  • Desdemona: should have upped and left for safety when her husband began acting erratically.

That's the list for now. More to come, I'm sure.